Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No cats allowed

My name is Leoni and I'm a committed South African dog lover. 

In fact, I'm such a huge dog lover that for some time now I've felt the urge to start a blog dedicated solely to these wonderful creatures - thereby maybe helping to create awareness for the needs of dogs in general. Oh yes, and to commit to cyberspace the tales and tribulations of my own present dog gang, as well as those that came before them – especially my one true “heart dog” for whom I will never stop grieving.

Before we start, though, a word to the wise ... this blog is only about dogs – sometimes mine  so if you're a dog lover and crazy about mutts, this might the place for you. And please feel free to participate and tell us about your own canine pals. 

Right, so this is me. I’m the “top dog” because I bring home the bacon and biltong and biscuits and bedding and bones ...

And here’s the current gang  ....

Heidi = 18 months

Charlie = 6 years

Vicky = 5 years

Zoƫ = 3 years

With the preliminaries out of the way, we can get down to the serious business of blogging about - and for - dogs. Watch this space ...